Monday, September 30, 2019

Examining class differences Essay

(a)Explain briefly what is meant by the term ‘elaborated speech code’ . Elaborate speech code is usually associated with middle-class, well educated people. It uses a wide variety of vocabulary, is more context based, uses grammatically complex sentences, communicates abstract ideas and is mostly context-free. (b)Identify three policies that governments have introduced to compensate for material and cultural disadvantage, apart from Educational Priority Areas. Compensatory education is a policy designed in order to tackle the problem of cultural deprivation, by providing resources to communities as well as schools in deprived areas. An example of a compensatory education programme is Operation Head Start in the United States, which is one of the best known examples of such programmes. Operation Head Start focuses on pre-school ‘planned enrichment’ education in poorer areas, which was introduced in the 1960s. Their aim was to develop children’s learning skills and instil achievement motivation. This included tasks such as: setting up nursery classes, home visits by health visitors and educational psychologists, improving parenting skills and the creation of intensive learning programmes for deprived children. Sesame Street, the popular TV programme, was initially created as part of Head Start, in order to reach young children and reflecting the values and attitudes needed for educational success; such as the importance of general knowledge, literacy and numeracy. In the UK, there have been several compensatory education programmes over the years, such as the Education Priority Areas that were created in the 1960s, Education Action Zones, which were introduced in the 1960s, and more recently, with the launch in 2000, comes Sure Start. Sure Start is a nationwide programme aimed at pre-school children as well as their parents. However, it also has non-educational aims, such as improving children’s health. Sure Start was introduced by the British Government in order to tackle poverty and social exclusion. The centres available provide integrated education, family support, support with parental employment, care and health services. Sure Start’s main aim is to work with parents to promote the physical, intellectual, educational and social development of babies and young children, particularly those who are disadvantaged. (c)Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement. Material deprivation is a lack of resources and necessities needed to live a basic lifestyle, such as an adequate diet, housing, clothing, or in some cases, the money to be able to buy these things. Material deprivation can affect educational achievement as the result of the lack of these necessities. Children in education will need financial support from their parents/carers in order to pursue a sufficient education; however disadvantaged families cannot afford educational aids. As well as that, families living in poverty may have limited space in their home. This leads to overcrowding, which means there is nowhere for the child to study. Also, this could lead to illness, depending on the state and cleanliness of the house. For example, dampness can cause a variety of illnesses, which leads to absence at school, therefore, lessening the child’s chance of a successful education. Some parents may force their children to leave school early and pursue a career in order to provide extra income for the family. (d)Using material from Item A (source) and elsewhere, assess the view that working class children under-achieve because they are culturally deprived. The idea that working-class children will most likely under-achieve due to a lack of culture, also known as cultural deprivation, refers to children lacking the norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge that a society would regard as important and necessary. The attributes that these children should know and learn are, in most cases, taught by their parents and are passed to the next generation through socialisation. All children are socialised differently, and the social class of the parent has a huge impact on the child and may affect their achievement in education. According to the cultural deprivation theory, some working-class parents fail to communicate and instil the appropriate norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge needed for educational success. However, there are other factors that can determine how well a child does within education. For example, material deprivation, cultural capital and economic capital can also have an impact on how well some children will attain, therefore cultural deprivation is not the only factor and may not be the most important reason to why working-class children under-achieve.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Personal application assignment Essay

Prompt 1 I am currently employed as the Assistant City Manager/Director of Economic Development with the City of Mount Rainier, a small municipality located in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Mount Rainier is a historic residential community that borders the District of Columbia. Within the last several months, the city has been exploring the option of redeveloping its downtown district with the aims of removing blight and increasing tourism. In addition, the City of Mount Rainier has been trying to brand a new identity. As Assistant City Manager/Director of Economic Development, my role is to develop a plan that will aid the city in the revitalization its downtown retail and commercial district making it a desirable destination place. Currently, the downtown area lacks a mass of shopping, dining, and entertainment to attract visitors or residents. Along with spearheading these efforts, I am also responsible for finding funding to aid the city improve the public infrastructure that will aid in the revitalization of the downtown area. Evidently, the organization’s current orientation towards the tourism market is weak. The population has not yet been well oriented in the details of the tourism industry despite the city’s significant potential in the business. At the moment, Mount Rainier is not an obvious tourist destination. While the city does have a mix of tourist products and activities of interest for visitors, there are currently not enough infrastructures, enterprise motivation, and marketing advertisements to make a significant part of the tourism market take notice of such products. Future development in Mount Rainier will not just create a space for tourist, but will aid the city market its underutilized areas. The target customers are the local community, developers/investors and the focus is on the tourism market. It is recognized that the current economic crisis has actually caused a decline in out-of-the-country tourism for Americans and more and more Americans are going on vacation at locations in their own state or in other nearby states (Brown, 2008; Julio, 2008). This provides a market opportunity for the organization to take advantage of. Currently, the organization does not have a formal customer service rating system that can adequately measure customer satisfaction. Data on customer satisfaction is basically sourced through word-of-mouth and through survey forms given out independently by various tourism oriented services. Based on the previous topics, strong marketing and customer service management systems need to be established for the organization to take the first step in realizing its long term goals in the tourism industry. Prompt 2 The value creation and delivery sequences of the departments valued core competencies is coordinating how the City of Mount Rainier markets itself to businesses and developers, ensuring the implementation of financial packaging for development, attraction and retention. â€Å"Providing a value through specific product features, service development, pricing, sourcing and making the offer†(Kotler and Keller, 2008, p. 21). In other words, the value creation and delivery process in which has been created, gives the city the capability to understand and capture customer value, allowing the right activities for strategic planning in marketing economic development in the City of Mount Rainier. Specifically, the value chain in the organization’s efforts on tourism development begins with the identification of key tourism demands. It proceeds from this point to the customization of available resources to meet such identified demands. Finally, the products that address the identified demands are marketed and released. In line with this value chain, the core competencies of the organization include a strong expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative research and managing communications between investor and investment representatives. Strength in formal research is known to be one of the effective components of business decision making (Hanson, 2008). With this core competency, an organization can realistically predict market outcomes and take advantage of identified opportunities. On the other hand, effective communications management is also essential in investment relations management. When an organization is able to maintain excellent communication lines, the risk of miscommunication is reduced, thereby allowing the organization to present and gather information from relevant groups accurately (Giannetto, 2006). According to Kotler and Keller, â€Å"a clear and thoughtful mission statement provides employees with a shared sensed of purpose, direction, and opportunity†(p. 27). The City of Mount Rainier’s value chain is driven by the mission statement which employees the department of economic development so heavily rely upon. As an organization, the City of Mount Rainier ‘s department of economic developments purpose is the coordination, planning, supervision, and in some cases, the execution of all programs, policies, proposals, and functions related to economic development. MDED also advises the Mayor and citizens on the most effective allocation of public resources devoted to economic development in the City. The vision of the organization is a city that is able to maximize all of its available resources and attract investors in developing all of its potential services. This envisioned city is has a stable, flourishing economy that is well managed by its officials who are empowered with decision-making information based on valid and reliable research. The mission-vision of the organization definitively plots the course of its strategic planning by setting reasonable short-term and achievable long term goals. On the short-term, the goal based on the mission is to identify key areas of development where the organization can recommend city funding to be utilized with the best possibilities for the greatest returns on investment. On the long-term, this organization intends to follow through with identified areas of development and establish programs that can explore such potentials completely. With the vision as its guiding perspective on what is the ideal, the organization studies how other cities are able to achieve similar goals in the past and determines the extent of applicability of such strategies to the City of Mount Rainier. Prompt 3 Using a classical approach, the City of Mount Rainier Department of Economic Development conducts its marketing research using an in-house research approach. The first step to this approach is drafting a brief by the manager discussing the area selected for the project. In the latter, Mayor and Council is provided with a verbal explanation and description of what is required, together with relevant background documents and samples of products or demonstration of services to be studied. Then Mayor and Council will hold public hearings to seeking the views of citizens on the proposed project. In addition, to conducting in-house marketing research the City contracts marketing research consultants to aid the city in determining the right development to build a healthy economy and increasing property tax dollars for the city. Thus, identifying and targeting development that that will be a good fit for the municipality. This approach to decision making provides a way of assessing the value of additional information that maybe inaccessible to staff. Another key aspect to this marketing research approach strategically shows comprehensive demographics, consumer demand and other feasibility studies that will be very costly and time consuming for a very small agency to conduct. Socio-cultural factors affect the intended clients since such factors are a part of the tourism experience. Many customers wish to have different cultural experiences and so diversity plays an important role. Situational factors, specifically natural phenomenon can greatly affect customer’s purchasing decisions as well. For example, the occurrence of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane can make customers shy away from the products even after rebuilding for fear of the occurrence repeating itself. On the other hand, other situations such as the occurrence of something noteworthy can be a positive factor that can draw customers to purchase tourism products. Prompt 4 The primary customer segments that the City of Mount Rainier Department of Economic Development target and provide services to are the community and investors/developers. The difference between the two entities is only what each requires from the City. As a local government, the community defines the development process challenging the undesirable and unacceptable disparities that may affect their quality of living. In other words, the community’s needs are to keep the nature that it is used to while developing sectors to gain greater financial leverage. On the other hand, investors/developers goals are to create, expand, or improve the endeavors of the city and would promote economic vitality. This requires for change to be effected by the government that would make the environment suitable for investments. These primary customer segments offer competitive positioning, increased visitation and a yield with significant growth potential. Competitive positioning allows companies to perceive and address their strengths and weaknesses against existing competitors and develop plans based on such analysis (Porter, 1980). The primary product strengths of the City of Mount Rainier are arts, theatre and cultural heritage, tourism, and accommodation. These focus areas and key strengths provide a framework to advance the commitments of strategic imperatives and guide investment throughout the city. The main advantages and uniqueness of the City of Mount Rainier, is its geographic location, local market demand and integration with other market clusters. With low-cost real estate and relatively cheaper labor costs in comparison to neighboring Washington D. C. , these attributes have been identified as key success factors for economic development. The organization can market these advantages to potential investors in order to get them to appreciate making investments in the city.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advantages of Science

WriteLine(â€Å"enter number with power is to be calculated†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter power†); int b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); double c=p. power(a, b); Console. WriteLine(a+ † rase to the power â€Å"+b+ â€Å"=†+c); } private double power(int a, int b) { double power = Math. Pow(a, b); return power; } Q2. Write a general-purpose function to convert any given year into its roman equivalent. Example: Roman equivalent of 1988 is mdcccclxxxviii Roman equivalent of 1525 is mdxxv static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int number=Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); string samsung=p. ToRoman(number); Console. WriteLine(samsung); } private string ToRoman(int number) { if ((number 0) || (number 3999)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"insert value betwheen 1 and 3999†); if (number 1) return string. Empty; f (number = 1000) return â€Å"M† + ToRoman(number – 1000); if (number = 900) return â€Å"CM† + ToRoman(number – 900); if (number = 500) return â€Å"D† + ToRoman(number – 500); if (number = 400) return â€Å"CD† + ToRoman(number – 400); if (number = 100) return â€Å"C† + ToRoman(number – 100); if (number = 90) return â€Å"XCâ₠¬  + ToRoman(number – 90); if (number = 50) return â€Å"L† + ToRoman(number – 50); if (number = 40) return â€Å"XL† + ToRoman(number – 40); if (number = 10) return â€Å"X† + ToRoman(number – 10); if (number = 9) return â€Å"IX† + ToRoman(number – 9); if (number = 5) return â€Å"V† + ToRoman(number – 5); if (number = 4) return â€Å"IV† + ToRoman(number – 4); if (number = 1) return â€Å"I† + ToRoman(number – 1); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"something bad happened†); } Q3. Any year is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to determine whether the year is a leap year or not. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); . leap(a); } private void leap(int a) { if (a%4! =0 a%100==0 a%400==0) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this year is a lea p year†); } else Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this is not a leap year†); } Q4. Write a function that receives 5 integers and returns the sum, average and standard deviation of these numbers. int a, b, c, d, e; Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter first number†); a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter second number†); b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter third number†); c = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter forth number†); = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter fifth number†); e = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); int f = p. sum(a, b, c, d, e); int g = p. average(f); double h = p. standard_deviation(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"sum of numbers are=†+f); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"averge of numbers are=†+g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"stardard deriva tion of numbers is=†+h); } private double standard_deviation(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g) { double i, j, k, l, m,deri,squ; i = a – g; j = b – g; k = c – g; l = d – g; m = e – g; i = Math. Pow(i, 2); j = Math. Pow(j, 2); = Math. Pow(k, 2); l = Math. Pow(l, 2); m = Math. Pow(m, 2); deri = (i + j + k + l + m) / g; squ = Math. Sqrt(deri); return squ; } private int average(int f) { int avg = f / 5; return avg; } private int sum(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { int sum = a + b + c + d + e; return sum; } Q5. If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. int sum = 0; for (int i = 3; i 1000; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { sum += i; Console. WriteLine(sum. ToString()); } Q6. A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. int maxPalindrome = 0; for (int i = 100; i 1000; i++) { for (int j = i; j 1000; j++) { int product = i * j; if (product. IsPalindrome() product maxPalindrome) { maxPalindrome = product; } } } System. Console. WriteLine(maxPalindrome); } } public static class Extensions { public static bool IsPalindrome(this int i) { Listchar chars = new Listchar(i. ToString(). ToCharArray()); chars. Reverse(); return i == int. Parse(new string(chars. ToArray())); Advantages of Science WriteLine(â€Å"enter number with power is to be calculated†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter power†); int b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); double c=p. power(a, b); Console. WriteLine(a+ † rase to the power â€Å"+b+ â€Å"=†+c); } private double power(int a, int b) { double power = Math. Pow(a, b); return power; } Q2. Write a general-purpose function to convert any given year into its roman equivalent. Example: Roman equivalent of 1988 is mdcccclxxxviii Roman equivalent of 1525 is mdxxv static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int number=Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); string samsung=p. ToRoman(number); Console. WriteLine(samsung); } private string ToRoman(int number) { if ((number 0) || (number 3999)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"insert value betwheen 1 and 3999†); if (number 1) return string. Empty; f (number = 1000) return â€Å"M† + ToRoman(number – 1000); if (number = 900) return â€Å"CM† + ToRoman(number – 900); if (number = 500) return â€Å"D† + ToRoman(number – 500); if (number = 400) return â€Å"CD† + ToRoman(number – 400); if (number = 100) return â€Å"C† + ToRoman(number – 100); if (number = 90) return â€Å"XCâ₠¬  + ToRoman(number – 90); if (number = 50) return â€Å"L† + ToRoman(number – 50); if (number = 40) return â€Å"XL† + ToRoman(number – 40); if (number = 10) return â€Å"X† + ToRoman(number – 10); if (number = 9) return â€Å"IX† + ToRoman(number – 9); if (number = 5) return â€Å"V† + ToRoman(number – 5); if (number = 4) return â€Å"IV† + ToRoman(number – 4); if (number = 1) return â€Å"I† + ToRoman(number – 1); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"something bad happened†); } Q3. Any year is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to determine whether the year is a leap year or not. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); . leap(a); } private void leap(int a) { if (a%4! =0 a%100==0 a%400==0) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this year is a lea p year†); } else Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this is not a leap year†); } Q4. Write a function that receives 5 integers and returns the sum, average and standard deviation of these numbers. int a, b, c, d, e; Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter first number†); a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter second number†); b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter third number†); c = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter forth number†); = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter fifth number†); e = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); int f = p. sum(a, b, c, d, e); int g = p. average(f); double h = p. standard_deviation(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"sum of numbers are=†+f); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"averge of numbers are=†+g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"stardard deriva tion of numbers is=†+h); } private double standard_deviation(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g) { double i, j, k, l, m,deri,squ; i = a – g; j = b – g; k = c – g; l = d – g; m = e – g; i = Math. Pow(i, 2); j = Math. Pow(j, 2); = Math. Pow(k, 2); l = Math. Pow(l, 2); m = Math. Pow(m, 2); deri = (i + j + k + l + m) / g; squ = Math. Sqrt(deri); return squ; } private int average(int f) { int avg = f / 5; return avg; } private int sum(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { int sum = a + b + c + d + e; return sum; } Q5. If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. int sum = 0; for (int i = 3; i 1000; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { sum += i; Console. WriteLine(sum. ToString()); } Q6. A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. int maxPalindrome = 0; for (int i = 100; i 1000; i++) { for (int j = i; j 1000; j++) { int product = i * j; if (product. IsPalindrome() product maxPalindrome) { maxPalindrome = product; } } } System. Console. WriteLine(maxPalindrome); } } public static class Extensions { public static bool IsPalindrome(this int i) { Listchar chars = new Listchar(i. ToString(). ToCharArray()); chars. Reverse(); return i == int. Parse(new string(chars. ToArray()));

Friday, September 27, 2019

Proposal for Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal for Organizational Change - Essay Example It has been estimated that over 5.5 million healthcare service provider are exposed to the risk of contacting blood borne pathogens. Most of these blood borne pathogens cause serious health diseases and therefore reducing this health risk is very critical measure in medical service industry. Examples of blood borne pathogens include; Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Both Hepatitis B and C viruses among others plus other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). The Needle Stick Safety and Prevention Act was enacted due to increased cases of needle stick injuries that were becoming a serious health hazard. It was establish in 2000 by congress and it mandated the maintenance of sharps injury log and participation of all healthcare service providers in evaluation and making the choice of devices to be used. In response to the Needle stick Safety act establishment, OSHA in 2001 revised the Blood Borne pathogens Standard in order to comply with the act. Another campaign was initiated by National alliance for Primary Prevention of Sharps Injuries (NAPPSI) to protect medical providers and medical interns from accidental injuries that occurred in the course of their duty. The campaign focused on educating workers and interns on the prevention of all avoidable risks from sharp objects at work. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was established in 1970 by congress in the U.S.'s department of labor. The mission of this body was to protect employees from workplace injuries, illness or deaths (Rabinowitz, 2002). This regulatory body uses rules enforceable by the law and these rules are referred to as standards. The Revised OSHA's Blood Borne Standard Research has shown that many healthcare service providers who have been exposed to blood borne pathogens have been infected with deadly and other dangerous viruses and disease conditions. Contraction of the diseases is usually through needle stick injuries i.e. wounds that are caused needles if they accidentally puncture the skin (Carter 2007). The most serious problems are the infections from the deadly viruses namely Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses. Conformity with the new Blood borne standard has notably decreased risk of medical service providers to contract blood borne diseases at work. Still the problem of health workers contracting blood borne diseased from sharp tools accidents continues to be a serious problem. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that over 380 000 injuries were recorded, Most them being contaminated. Since the establishment of the Blood borne Pathogens Standard, most concerned parties have responded pos itively and have taken steps towards reducing health hazards (Carter 2007). One of the requirements was an OSHA's request for Information on engineering and work performance controls that would be used to alleviate risk of exposure (Mason et al, 2002). Recommendations were made available to health care providers, organizations representing medical care workers, researchers, education institutions, expert and industry associations, and medical devices manufacturers. The use of safer medical apparatus such as non invasive systems and sharp instruments with modified protectors to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Businees organisation and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Businees organisation and policy - Essay Example Furthermore, Board members believe that acquisitions or mergers will have long-run benefits for improving innovation or expanding product line to ensure higher revenues and thereby make the company more attractive to investors through bond issuance or stock purchasing. Despite this rationale, there are several different factors that lead to failures in merger and acquisition failures: cultural integration problems, direct management failures in execution and leadership, the current position of either company as it relates to product/service life cycle and the speed by which changes are made within the new blended organisation. This report gives perspective on these failures and potential successes to justify why Board members continue to pursue this strategy, using real-world case studies as reference for analysis. 2. Failed merger: Hewlett Packard and Compaq Both Hewlett Packard and Compaq believed a blended company would achieve synergies in relation to cost, research and developme nt, innovation and time to market, as well as consolidation of service and technical support which were significant expenditures as self-operated firms. Compaq had a well-established brand, however complexities in the consumer market, along with emerging competition offering similar services and products, continued to erode brand loyalty and sales revenues. At the time of the merger, Compaq experienced a net income of only $78 million, a decline from 2000 of $296 million (Compaq 2001). This was significantly low considering Compaq sustained revenues of 1.1 billion dollars in 2001. Compaq maintained significantly high operating expenses and credit/loan repayments that continued to erode cash flow and shareholder equity. HP, on the other hand, maintained a much stronger balance sheet and sustained a healthier brand loyalty in consumer markets and thus intended to strengthen the positioning of Compaq and consolidate its over-financed operations to ensure synergistic outcomes. However, executives at HP failed to consider that both Compaq and Hewlett-Packard were in the maturity stage of the service and product life cycle and would both be moving toward sales declines without innovative service and product launches. At the time of merger, Hewlett Packard was having a significantly difficult time competing with the B2B market alongside competition such as IBM and Sun in relation to server product purchases to sustain business information technology infrastructures (Hoopes 2004). This was a very profitable market for competition and for HP if they managed to position themselves properly on the B2B market. Investors found that the inability to gain target market business customers would only be further sustained by blending Compaq’s already troubled brand into its corporate sales and marketing strategies. HP and Compaq were already both experiencing the maximum profit expected without modernising services in the maturity stage and, at the time, neither company were working on significantly differentiated product developments to expand revenues and avoid eventual sales declines. Hewlett Packard also maintained a very rigid, top-down hierarchy that was highly centralized whilst Compaq had a more liberal system of governance that fostered more innovation and free

Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Outline - Essay Example In other words, I need to address a lifestyle change that is responsive to my desire to curtail irresponsible spending. This question is very important to me because I realize that in order to improve the quality of my life I need to be more budget conscious and more responsible with what I do with my earnings. This is all the more important because my irrational and irresponsible spending impacts not only my own comfort, but the comfort of my family. At this point I am able to admit that I am at worst a compulsive spender, at best, unable to manage my earnings responsibly. I want to make a lifestyle change that reverses this conduct and improves the quality of my life and the lives of my loved ones. In this regard, I have focused my attention on what it is that I need to do to invoke an effective lifestyle change to curtail my spending habits. Current research into the topic of lifestyle changes typically agree that lifestyle change commences with identifying future goals and acknowledging current personal obstacles that can be changed to achieve a successful lifestyle change. McGraw (1999) informs that lifestyle changes begin with a realization that everyone faces challenges but the individual must take sole responsibility for meeting their own challenges (pp. 11-12). In general there are ten life laws for lifestyle changes. They are: becoming one of those that get it; accept that you are responsible for your own life; do that which works; accept what needs to be changed; take positive action; identify your perceptions; take control of your life; dictate how you are treated; be merciful and identify what you want to achieve (McGraw 1999). Markway et al (2003) caution that making lifestyle changes are never easy as it requires commitment, vision and discipline (p. 92). Tracy (2009) maintains that success driven persons are those who think ahead to the future and do not

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice Research Paper

Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice - Research Paper Example The 514 NIC interventions will usually be found arranged in thirty classes and seven domains. The terminology is often used along with the development of electronic health records, (EHRs) (Cordova et. al., 2010). Other nursing terminologies include the Nursing Outcomes Classification, (NOC) and Standardized Nursing Diagnoses (NANDA). None of the above nursing taxonomies however have been included in a system of health information that considers the entire care that nurses provide to patients. NIC is advantageous over the other terminologies since its link to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) proves more important because of its ease of comprehensibility and more controlled vocabulary for biomedical sciences (Cordova et. al., 2010). This mapping integrates the NIC with other healthcare disciplines and is used in more than twenty-five countries. The NIC can also be closely related to the international method for classifying nurses, which is a base for providing a common st ructure for nursing interventions, diagnoses and outcomes. It was developed to determine the nursing costs based on interventions that have undergone standardization. The NIC terminology provides a foundation for capturing a valid measure of the nursing workload (Cordova et. al., 2010). The nature of nursing would require that the nurse engage in the care of a patient from the less complicated outpatient routines to the invasive hemodynamic procedures. The nursing process underpins nursing in five inter-related and recurrent stages: data gathering, planning, implementation and examination. The application of this process has enabled the use of standard language for the major practise situations, which are diagnosis, results and interventions (Herdman & NANDA International, 2011). The interest in using standardized language during nursing became deeper when the NANDA’s classification for nursing diagnoses developed. The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Management - Essay Example And third, this essay identifies bad effects of HRM and leadership failure to live within such a modern theory of HRM. By definition, Human Resource Management is the strategic process of sourcing manpower through recruitment, selection, and hiring, followed by rewarding, developing with training and assessments, relationship building and sustaining. (Rowley, C. and Jackson, K. 2011, p.xxvi). It normally takes time and financial investments to build up good relationships with employees on top of just training them to perform well in their jobs. This is very important to derive positive attitude and wholesome cooperation from employees. If they work hard enough, the company derives more benefits from them. But employees need to be engaged with their part of the functions, duties and responsibilities, in order to be highly desirable in their behaviour and highly productive in their share of the works to achieve objectives. The benefits of training and development over the years are rea lized in achievements of goals through good performance. Whenever a company has to retrench manpower by reason of force majeure, e.g. in times of economic crisis, the company actually loses not only qualified manpower but also the training and development investments incurred to make employees perform better. In the HRM Theory of Engagement, the term â€Å"engagement† refers to a mental attitude with positive behaviour, emotions, and thoughts about a job for the organization to meet the required high performance of manpower capabilities in achieving company objectives. (Holbeche, L. and Matthews, G. 2012, p. 12) A very good example in connection with applying these two theories was reported by the CEO of SRS Real Estate Partners, Chris Maguire. The economic crisis that started in 2008 forced him to sell a part of the real estate business which was supposed to be the â€Å"bread and butter† of SRS in the USA (Fehrenbach, P., 2012) even while he wanted to maintain his ma nagement and staff because of their years of being together. How to maintain their morale and work performance obviously became a major problem. From depending on the big market for real estate and construction industry, SRS shifted to the retail sector or the smaller market in an attempt to find transactions for their survival. One of his leadership skills which paid off eventually was the willingness to be transparent to the people he managed. All members of the organization knew what was happening to the organization. Involvement was high for the survival of the entire manpower resource. This implies the depth and extent of knowledge by the employees that they had to scramble for transactions in the retail sector of the industry in order to find transactions for SRS. Also implied in the situation of SRS were the treasured training, relationship building, and maintenance of good leadership-employee relationship in good or bad times. From the viewpoint of the leadership, retrenchme nt in operations was necessary for survival. Although the story does not give details about what happened to employees connected to the sale of major assets tied with the big chunk of its real estate business, it can be imagined how employees were either transferred to the accountability of the new owner, Jones Lang La Salle, or probably transferred somewhere else. In an economic crisis, where people would

Monday, September 23, 2019

The implications of erecting additional Transmission Lines in New Assignment

The implications of erecting additional Transmission Lines in New Zealand by Transpower - Assignment Example It, therefore, runs the national conveying grid for the country (MacInnes, 2011). The national grid is a centralized system that allows proper and organized distribution of power to the New Zealand inhabitants with reliability. The system is such that it regulates the conveyance of electricity and prevents exploitation of people (Action, 2011). The current state law disallows any attempts by the company to exploit people. This regulation is present in the commerce act, which commenced early last year. The New Zealand regime has a responsibility of conducting a review after a specified period, which aims at ensuring proper power prices (MacInnes, 2011). Through the mandate allowed to the company by the country government, Transpower performed distribution of electricity. The company improved efficiency of power conveyance in the country. The regime allows a regulated a mount of revenue collection by the company by performing desired controls (Action, 2011). In order for the company to perform well, it seeks assistance from the government. The government at times offers financial assistance to the company to aid the widening of the national grid. The company provides succinct plans for improving the national grade, which earns it a government endorsement for collecting revenue. The plans must be convincing to the government to allow the request that the company presents (MacInnes, 2011). 2.0 Overview of the national grid of New Zealand Figure 1: The electricity grid in rural New Zealand, Retrieved on 6Th May 2012 from Transpower company owns the grid which is over 11000 Km in length. It conveys lines having high current plus voltage. The power conveyance in the entire country occurs via over 175 stations constructed by Transpower Company at different areas (Luke, Kearins & Verreynne, 2010). The construction of the stations is strategic in order to serve the needs of the population in different regions. Since the source of power is hydroelectric, stations for pro ducing electricity are evident near large water bodies, usually, in the southern regions of New Zealand (Luke et al., 2010). The northern parts of New Zealand have a higher power need than other regions hence long distance conveyance is evident. Covering the distance from the south to the northern regions is expensive. However, the commercial commission works in conjunction with the Transpower Company in order to perform proper plans for conveying electricity to needing areas (Action, 2011). Figure 2: Te Uku wind power project near Hamilton, New Zealand, Retrieved on 6Th May 2012 from 2.1 Background of power generation in New Zealand In New Zealand, the first power station lied in Bullendale region near Otago. There existed a mining centre in the region, which the power generation aimed to serve (Luke et al., 201

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gas and Soft Drinks Essay Example for Free

Gas and Soft Drinks Essay 1- That would be inelastic. Even though people gripe about the rising prices, that doesnt stop people from stopping by the gas pumps to fill up. Elastic is more like candy bars or soda; if priced at 50 cents, there will be high demand, but if the price rises to 2 dollars, the demand will go down. Because there are many alternative brands for Coca Cola that have more or less the same taste. When the price of coca cola rises, demand decreases because consumers will find alternative brands that taste the same but at a lower price, therefore demand is elastic. Demand for soft drink as a whole is inelastic because whether or not the price increases/decreases, demand would not decrease/increase by a whole lot, since its the consumers preferred choice of drinks (just like milk is inelastic). Just because the price increases, doesnt mean that consumers will start to drink water all the time, theyll just drink less amounts of soft drink than usual (and vice versa). Elastic means by increasing the price, the demand for that product decreases as well. For example when the price of lamb increases, people will shift to chicken. We say the demand for lamb is elastic. Inelastic means, no matter how much the price changes, people still use it and the demand doesnt change a lot. Same as your example, Although the oil price increases, but the demand for oil didnd decrease. 2-petrol is also sold from especialy designed petrol pumps which costly to buld and operate . in the other hand coke and soft carbonated drinks is sold everywhere and can be sold to anyway and any gae. patrol selling you must be an adult and hold a drivers licience . Gas in the long term has higher elasticity of demand. meaning since in short term people do not have much choice,so they consume whatever is available at whatever price. 3- the coke is advertosed on over hundered tv channels around the world and it is the best known trademark in the world is sold in about one hundred and forty countries to 5. 8 billion people in eight different languguages . The cross price elasity of demand would be for the coca cola since the demand for it is growing A third example of cross-price elasticity is between Coke and Pepsi. If the price of Coke increases by 10%, then the demand for Pepsi will increase by 20%. This results in a cross price elasticity between the two of 2. Like the example above, these two would be substitues since the cross-price elasticity is greater than zero. http://mbaecon. wikispaces. com/file/view/cross_2. gif/30502983/cross_2. gif.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Vietnam Population Change Over Last 100 Years Cultural Studies Essay

Vietnam Population Change Over Last 100 Years Cultural Studies Essay Everybody knows Vietnam as a war country, truly, how long my historic country was, and it is how long wars were also. Those wars had affected a lot of my country including history, culture, environment, economy, policy, technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However, have you ever thought population which can be changed because of war? Actually, each war can decrease or increase population, but, how can this rate population relate with changing culture? Lets find the answer in the history of my home country in last 100 years. One-hundred years ago (19th century), it is the period when Vietnam was French colonization. Furthermore, this time could mark a new step forward of the changing population, especially culture. After possessing Vietnam, French had identified Vietnam by allowing the French who could immigrate in Vietnam, gathering military force into Vietnam to control. In this period of time, Vietnam population had regained balance, although almost Vietnamese didnt respond it so much. However, this time marked as beginning of innovated Vietnamese culture. When the French immigrated in Vietnam, they had their culture sharing with us including French was official language in almost school, French music, French art dance, French fashion French life style and modernization. For high society, this identification seemed to make them at the same level with French people, for other social classes, adapting French culture was enhancing knowledge and their business, for a few, this was by force. In general, du e to French colonization, Vietnamese culture has become diversity, especially borrowed language. Furthermore, at this time, the Vietnamese culture was distinguished North culture, Middle culture and South culture by some different policies, treatments and educations of French administration for each part in Vietnam. In one side, this made Vietnamese culture to become more multiform, and rich, but, otherwise, it made a barrier in Vietnamese relation between each part. About 1927- 1945, this was troublous time in Vietnam because of League for the Independence of Vietnam, and involvement between French administration, Japanese and United State. Furthermore, especially, in 1944-1945, due to the Japanese occupation of Vietnam, about two millions of Vietnamese people had died because of no food, natural disasters, grow just instead of rice, war by Japan and United State. This crisis seemed bringing to Vietnamese some phobias, at this time, only thing they could think that how to have food to survive. They werent interesting of showing off, festival, gastronomiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ however, at this period, the neighborly relation was more important than ever, all population in the South in one mind had supported the North overcoming this crisis. In fact, Vietnamese physical culture was farther and lost seriously, but, Vietnamese spirit culture was stronger. Fighting situation was constant until 1976, Vietnam was officially unified and renamed Socialist Republic of Vietnam, with Ha Noi which is its capital. From this period until now, Vietnamese population has grown regularly. Everybody started to recognize that they need to find lost cultures including traditional music, ancient architecture, royal dress and rural clothes,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and complete other culture left to create Vietnamese own culture such as language, long-dress, art dance,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in this period, life has been more stable and safe, economy has been developing, technology has grew, financial has improved, demand of life has increased, people has knew of taking care themselves and require more and more. Vietnamese culture had been perfect in short time, but, nowadays, with trend of globalization, culture is dissolve. When population increase a lots, it affects living space, education, employment, social benefit,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ almost people in countryside emigrate to city to find a job, population density in city is higher than countryside, administration city lost control, education cant ensure its quality because of too students,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in consequences, people has trend to live abroad, study a abroad, like to integrate outside culture. Beside, tourism is one of important business in Vietnam, it affects Vietnamese culture also. Actually, when population density is higher, everything is more difficult, serious and acute. In this environment, people take care themselves more than show excessive interest in other people. Therefore, Vietnamese spirit culture is weaker, and physical culture is just enjoyed as trendy entertainment for high social class such as some villas which has ancient royal architecture, royal gastronomies,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ even though culture can have the right to refuse or agree integrating, but, in general, its result is also the same. Nowadays, Vietnamese government had some policies to solve these problems as the policy: each family should have two children, skyscrapers to improve living space, stimulating live in countryside, increasing amount of school, and manufactory to create job, building culture in educationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ these policies has been useful, in consequences, in 2009, Vietnamese population has totally 85.5 million peoples, population growth is slowing down, economy is more stable with population structure of gold, social order is controlled, social benefit is improved and finally, Vietnamese culture was respected more for younger generation. Conclusion: Through this project, the population growth affects truly to change of the culture of my home country. Over the last 100 years in Vietnam, with population growth decreased and increased irregularly, it made Vietnamese culture own which is one of important factor to attack curiousness of tourist from whole the world. The culture is more strong or weak, more multiform or poorer, population growth is also one of important factor which affects it. As I mentioned before, culture has a strong relation with human, so, any change in human can also affect the change in culture. Have you ever thought when you change your life, when you have family and when you have children, everything you are doing now, it can impact your culture or the country when you live?

Monets Green Reflections :: essays research papers fc

Since the dawn of time, man has been inspired by the beauty of art. The Macquarie Concise Dictionary describes art as â€Å"the production or expression of what is beautiful, appealing or of more than ordinary significance†. I interpret the word art to refer to the physical reproduction of the artists own perception of the world around them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A masterpiece is defined as â€Å"a consummate example of skill or excellence†. Therefore, when in search of a masterpiece of the artistic category, we must take into account the proficiency and dexterity displayed by the artist. With these basic principles in mind, it is my belief that one cannot surpass Monet’s series entitled â€Å"Waterlilies† and more specifically the painting â€Å"Green Reflections†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have adored the â€Å"Waterlilies† series for a number of years. It was its originality that first appealed to me. â€Å"Green Reflections† is my favourite due mainly to the use of the green colour to indicate darkness of the water. The painting seems busy, yet not overpoweringly so. There is much for the eye, while allowing room for personal interpretation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Visually appealing, â€Å"Green Reflections† is a classic example of Monet’s personal style, being both scientific and painterly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This particular painting has captivated many admirers with its pretty pastel colours, prevalent in many of Monet’s works. The yellows and pinks of the lilies are in strong contrast to the deep blues and jungle greens of the water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Monet brought the study of the transient effects of natural light to its most refined expression, through the â€Å"Waterlilies† series. Therefore tone is an important aspect of the painting. It is used with great success, giving the appearance of shade on the right hand side. The tone also gives the impression of water reflections.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The â€Å"Waterlilies† series was a number of paintings of the same lily pond. The defining characteristic of â€Å"Green Reflections† is that it was the only one of the group painted at night. Monet’s fascination with light and colour was the fuel behind this concept.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being an impressionist painter, very little of his works used line and shape. â€Å"Green Reflections† is no exception. Irregular patterns are prominent with little regard for structure and realism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only way Monet could capture his version of â€Å"the truth of the moment† was through ‘lying’. Monet’s method made accommodations to his underlying philosophy of instantaneity and attention to decorative elements. Monet attempted to reconcile the idea of capturing a moment and his supposition that all moments must contain absolute truth through the use of a harmony of colours.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

David Copperfield :: essays papers

David Copperfield David Copperfield is a novel of "Passionate jealousy sniveling hypocrisy cold hearted fraud, sexual degradation, selfish exploitation and much more; but the final impression is one of joy tempered and mellowed wisdom" Discuss. David Copperfield is probably one of the most successful novels of all time. I believe it has inspired many readers to a full life with great success. The novel itself is so real that it has even been said to be 'more real than life' I am one of those who agree and I will try and explain why in the following essay . The terms used to describe David Copperfield in the question are all very true in their own respect. This is basically because Dickens chose to write about life and in life all these terms apply. By the time that Dickens began writing David Copperfield he was already a profound author with great popularity. I believe he wanted to portray life as best he could, he wanted to show what life was to him: and what better way than a biography closely related to Dickens himself. We could call it a 'Novel of personal memory' but we have to keep in mind the full original title: 'The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, and Observation of David Copperfield, the Younger, of Bluderstone Rookery. (Which he never meant to published on any account.) This complete title strongly suggests that this is one man's story written for himself. It was also supposed to 'never have been published on any account.' Later in chap 42 this condition is repeated: 'this manuscript is intended for no eyes but mine.' Of course this is part of the fiction, after all we are reading David's story ourselves when we reach this sentence. What is David Copperfield about? I pose myself this question to help illustrate how much of an autobiography this book really is, the simplest answer is of course that it is about David Copperfield himself and his development as a man. Although after having read several biography's done on the author Charles Dickens, I was led to believe that this book is very near Dickens own life, for example his father, John Dickens does seem to have been a warm and pleasant father, but his lack of responsibility, especially with money, later led his family into serious difficulties. This is very much like Mr.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

MIS PROJECT :: essays research papers

CONFIDENTIAL MIchigan Supply Inc. Information Systems Initial Plan for Year 2005-20008 CONTEXT MIchigan Supply Inc. (MIS Inc.) is a privately-held automotive parts supplier of a variety of products such as electronics, solenoids, wiring and fuel components. The company is currently located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. INITIAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS MIS is currently separated into 5 departments: Manufacturing and Production with engineers, machine workers and production managers; Finance and Accounting with accounts; Human Resources with human resources staff; Sales and Marketing with salespeople, sales managers, customer service representatives; and Upper Management with secretaries and executives. Required systems and job Functions Each department has its required systems and different job functions which as listed below: o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Manufacturing and Production information systems  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Machine control system to control the actions of machines and equipment  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Production planning system to decide when and how many products should be produced  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Facilities location system to decide where to locate new production facilities  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Graphic system for engineers to design or improve products o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finance and Accounting information systems  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Accounts receivable system to track money owed the firm  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Budgeting system to prepare short-term budgets  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Profit planning system to plan long-term profits o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human Resources information systems  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Training and development system to track employee training, skills, and performance appraisals  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Compensation analysis system to monitors the range and distribution of employee wages, salaries, and benefits  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human resources planning system to plan the long-term labor force needs of the organization o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sales and Marketing information systems  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Order processing system to enter, process, and track orders  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pricing analysis system to determine prices for products and services  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sales trend forecasting system to prepare 5-year sales forecasts o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upper Management information systems  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Executive support systems to address non-routine decisions requiring judgment, evaluation, and insight; and to filter, compress, track display critical data of greatest importance to executives. Equipment and configuration Currently MIS has 12 machine workers so we need at least 35 workstations. Initially there should be a black and white printer for each of 5 departments and color printers available for engineers, executives and salespeople. Required server services include email, file storage, printing, backup functionality and battery backup system. In addition to the 4 laptops executives currently have, 5 more should be purchased for salespeople for mobility. Equipment to be purchased should be the latest models which are capable of providing the 3 years of services and growth. Fig. 1 shows the company infrastructure configuration. We expect to have 50k to spend on 35 workstations ordered from Dell, 10k on 8 printers from Hewlett-Packard, 200k on server equipment, which should cover the costs of battery backup network switches, servers, tape storage device, serve/workstation software licensing, and 10k on 5 Toshiba laptops for salespeople.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sor Juana

Writing Assignment Maria Zuniga Book ReportDecember 9, 2005 Corrections â€Å"Sor Juana† is a biography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz written by Octavio Paz and translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. It is a book of 470 pages divided in six parts that besides Sor Juana’s life and work, explain the difficulties of the time for an intellectual woman. It was published by The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1988. Reading this book gave me the best opportunity to know more about someone that although has been very influential in my entire life, I didn’t know all her history.My admiration and respect for Sor Juana started since I was a child and one of my sisters used to read her poems. Through my literature classes I knew a little more about her and the admiration and respect continued growing. Sor Juana became for me a stereotype of intellect, power, femininity, persistence and freedom combined with the devotion to God. Her story ma kes me learn to follow my dreams, to be ambitious, and over all to never ever give up. Juana Ines de la Cruz was born in Mexico in 1648. She grew up in the Panayan Hacienda, which was run for her mother for more than thirty years although she never learned to read.Sor Juana started to take lessons at age or three. During a long period of her childhood, she didn’t eat cheese because â€Å"It made one slow-witted,† and â€Å"Desire for learning was stronger than the desire for eating. † By the time she was six or seven, she knew how to read and write. As she couldn’t go to the university (because she was a woman), she studied and read by herself. She used to cut-off several inches of her hair (when hair was considered one of the most important female features), as a challenge for new learning â€Å"A head shouldn’t be adorned with hair and naked of learning† If she didn’t meet the goal, then she cut it again.Sor Juana was sent to Mexico City when she was eight to live with her grandfather, who had one of the biggest libraries of those times. By age 15, as one of the most learned women in Mexico, she was presented at court with the Viceroy and his wife (maximum authorities in Mexico). As a lady-in waiting, Juana Ines would become known at court for her wit and beauty as well as for her erudite intelligence. To ascertain the extent of her learning, the Marquise gathered together some of the most astute minds of the day, poets, historians, theologians, philosophers, and mathematicians.Juana Ines answered the questions and arguments directed at her, impressing them all with her mental prowess. At age 20 she entered the Convent of San Jeronimo, known for the mildness of its discipline. The convent was not a ladder toward God but a refuge for a woman who found herself alone in the world. She lived in a two-storey cell where she read insatiably and amassed an impressive library while pursuing her writing and intellectual pursuits. She brought the elegance of the court with her by transforming the convent locutory into an intellectual salon.The next Viceroy, the Marquis de La Laguna and the Marquise Maria Luisa, the Countess de Pareda, were among the court society and literary devotees who came to talk and debate with Sor Juana. Sor Juana wrote sacred poems and erotic love poems, vocal music, villancicos performed in the cathedral, plays, secular comedies, and some of the most significant documents in the history of feminism and philosophical literature. Her use of language, though characterized by the Baroque style, has a modern essence.Her public face reveals the impiousness of an undaunted spirit who appears, not as a nun, but as an independent woman. One of Sor Juana’s archetypes was Isis, Egyptian goodness inventor of writing, a symbol of intellect. She also identified herself with maidens of antiquity, poetically divinely inspired to produce poems and prophecies thinking â€Å"There we re not enough punishment or reprimands to prevent me from reading. † The life and work of Sor Juana lines can be summed as: knowledge is a transgression committed by a solitary hero who then is punished.Not the glory of knowledge (denied to mortals) but the glory of the act of knowing. Sor Juana was a pivotal figure who lived at a unique point in history bound by two opposing world views: one the closed universe of Ptolemy and of the Inquisition, which still held sway in Mexico/New Spain; the other characterized by the new science of Copernicus, Newton, and Galileo. On her monumental philosophical poem Primer sueno/First Dream the soul is pictured as intellect, not a religious pilgrim. At the height of the journey, at the fullest understanding reason can attain, there was no vision.Instead, the soul drew back at the immensity of the universe and foundered in confusion. In 1690, requested by the Bishop, Sor Juana wrote her only theological criticism, which she insisted not for public view. However, the Bishop published and censured it with an imaginary name of â€Å"Sor Philotea. † In defiant response, Sor Juana wrote â€Å"La Respuesta de la poetisa a la muy ilustre Sor Philotea de la Cruz,† a feminist manifesto defending women’s right to be educated and pursue learning, citing over 40 women who had made significant contributions throughout history.This work ignited the church’s wrath. In a climate of intimidation and fear Sor Juana signed â€Å"Protesta que rubricada con su sangre, hizo de su fe y amor a Dios† a statement of self-condemnation in bloodShe renewed her vows and surrendered her musical and scientific instruments, as well as her library of 4,000 volumes, considered at that time to be the largest in Mexico. Two years of silence and penance followed. Then in 1695, while ministering to nuns struck by an epidemic, she herself succumbed and died.Sor Juana has been an inspirational model to follow through all the situations that she faced. She succeeded in a world that was completely against her. The lack of father, which was almost a crime in that time, the lack of freedom to study, to talk, even to think, and over all the prohibition to be herself were some of her obstacles. Every time I am facing an obstacle, I just recall her story and imagine the innumerable sacrifices she had made to get the freedom of learning.After reading her story, I see the world in a different way. Now I know that all those small decisions that I take every day, such as the cloth I wear, what to eat, to read, what to say, and even what to feel are privileges granted for marvelous people like Sor Juan Ines de la Cruz. I also know that all those people had to pay a high price for these privileges; some of them pay with their lives. I feel not just impressed, but grateful to Sor Juana, her cultural heredity, and woman’s worth.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sensory Loss Essay

Outcome1. Understand the factors that impact on an individual with sensory loss 1.1 Analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss. A range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss. We gather so much information from our sight and hearing. Reading, writing, talking and listening are all things we do in everyday life, we rely on our senses to process and understand what is going on in the world around us. We use these senses to carry out everyday living skills so to those with sensory loss this can have a massive impact. Sensory loss can frequently lead to isolation and frustration and not being able to communicate effectively with other people. If an individual suffered from hearing loss day-to-day activities such as watching the television, answering a telephone or hearing the doorbell can become very daunting and difficult tasks. This could lead to the individual feeling inadequate and isolated from other people. Being blind or partially sighted means losing the ability to see facial expressions and gestures making it difficult for the person to understand what is being communicated. Not being able to read information can put the individual at risk, for example the information on medication packets, if this can’t be seen clearly or not at all it could lead to the individual under dosing, overdosing or taking the wrong medication which could lead to other health problems. Everyday tasks other people take for granted can become increasingly difficult for a person, the reading of labels on food packets where oven temperatures and times are written, the setting of the oven or microwave are examples of how hard things can become, not being able to read letters or bank statements and having to get others to do this can have an effect on maintaining confidentiality and independence. Even something as simple as going to your wardrobe and choosing an outfit for the day would become difficult for a person who is visually impaired. Mobility is another factor that would be impacted by sensory loss especially in unfamiliar surroundings the individual could become disor iented and be at risk of not seeing potential hazards for example traffic. The individual would need to rely on others to carry out  simple tasks such as going to the shop to buy milk. 1.2 Analyse how societal attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory loss. The attitudes and beliefs of society of individuals with sensory loss can impact them in a negative way, people often believe that someone who suffers a sensory loss also has lack of understanding. Some people will automatically raise their voice to an individual who suffers a visual loss. People with any kind of sensory loss can have difficulties in finding employment. Even though the Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act mean that employers cannot discriminate, it is hard to convince an employer that a sensory loss does not necessarily mean that someone is unable to do a job. There are many things that people do without thinking of the impact they may have on people with sensory loss for example parking at a dipped curb or parking on the pavements and not leaving room to pass especially for someone who is visually impaired and this is their usual route and they are not used to obstacles being in the way. However not all is negative, society is better than it used to be. Bus companies accommodate for people with sensory loss for example guide dogs are allowed on buses and the stop button has brail this makes it much easier for people with impaired vision to go out into the community and live an independent life. There are also more building such as cinemas, theatres and conference facilities that have loop systems so that people who have hearing aids can listen to what is being said or preformed. Some television programmes have access to subtitles and some even have signers in the bottoms corners. You can also get access to audio description which will describe in detail exactly what is happening on the screen. There are many more services that provide support to people with sensory loss, there is more training provided for carers and support worker so we can support these individuals better and help to improve their quality of life. 1.3 Explore how a range of factors, societal attitudes and beliefs impact on the service provision. Society’s attitudes and beliefs impact on the service provision as people believe that everyone has rights and should be treated with respect and as an individual. The provision provides the individuals with the support they need to ensure they have a better quality of life. The social model of disability supports the idea of person-centred services. For people with sensory loss, this means that services are planned in a way that gives people control over the services they need to support  them. Discrimination is one of the biggest problems in today’s society, people with sensory loss are treated differently, and there a lot of barriers that need to be overcome. The service provision work together to help overcome these barriers. The is also the issues of money and ensuring they can provide the service individuals need within a budget. This can impact on the service as some individuals may not get the support they need or they could be waiting a long time before it is available to them. Outcome2. Understand the importance of effective communication for individuals with sensory loss. 2.1 explain the methods of communication used by individuals with sight loss, hearing loss and deaf blindness. There are many ways in which a person with sight loss can communicate verbal methods such as talking face to face or over the phone may be used. Auditory methods such as listening and responding to taped information could also be used depending on what the individual prefers. Non-verbal can include things like touch, gesture and tactile methods including brail. Depending on the severity of the sight loss other methods such as low vision aids could also enable the individual to communicate with others. People with hearing loss may use a variety of different methods in order to communicate with others. Non-verbal methods include using eye-contact, facial expressions, touch, gesture, signs or sign language. Written communication methods such as letters, pictures, texts or email. Many people with hearing loss will learning to lip read to enable them to respond with others. People who are deaf blind communicate using their remaining sight and hearing. They can also use touch with objects, known as tactile communication or by using touch with people this is called tactual communication. Depending on the individual’s preference, education and background will determine the best method of communication; some may prefer to use different noises in order to distinguish what they want other may use pictures or brail. 2.2 Describe how the environment facilitates effective communication for  people with sensory loss. By using different colours it is possible to help people with sensory loss differentiate between surfaces. It can also be used to highlight key and safety features for example areas of danger would be in red. An effect colour contrasted environment will reduce the risk of injury. This enables people with sensory loss to go out by themselves. Making things bigger and easier to see such as sign posts helps people with sensory loss to find their ways around. Places of interest such as cinemas, museums and theatres facilitates for sensory loss by providing loop systems and audio description. Out in the community you will see that many curbs a dipped which not only provides access for wheelchair use but it indicates the end of the pavement. One key beneficial aspect for someone with hearing loss would be to reduce the background noise level, however this can be difficult out in the community or in a group setting, but it is important to be aware of noise level and if possible move to a quieter area for important discussions. People are also an important part of the environment so if possible we as support works should remind others to think about the communication needs of people with sensory loss. 2.3 Explain how effective communication may have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss. Effective communication for individuals with sensory loss can help them to cope with their sensory loss and maintaining social contact can help to build their confidence and self-esteem which will vastly contribute to a better quality of life. It can help them to build relationships and maintain independence out in the community. Being able to effectively communicate with other can give them the ability of choice and make decisions in their own life and let others know how they would like to be cared for or supported. Outcome3. Understand the main causes and conditions of sensory loss. 3.1 Identify the main causes of sensory loss. Age is one of the main causes of sensory loss, as we age our hearing and sight deteriorates. Most people begin to lose a small amount of their hearing when they are 30 to 40 years old. This hearing loss increases as you get older. By the age of 80 most people will have significant hearing problems. Another common cause of hearing loss is damage to the ear due to repeated exposure to loud noises over time. This is known as noise-induced hearing loss and it occurs when the sensitive hair cells inside the cochlea become damaged. Some people may be born deaf or become deaf over time due to a genetic abnormality. People can also suffer hearing loss as a result of a viral infection or disease they have suffered. There are many potential causes of deafblindness. It can either be present at birth or develop later in life. Deafblindness is often caused from genetic conditions such as Down’s syndrome. Other causes can be excessive alcohol or drug induces by the pregnant mother or viral infection such as rubella during pregnancy. Deafblindness can also be the result of age, illness or injury. Most people with acquired deafblindness have been able to see or hear for most of their lives. Most causes of visual impairment are conditions that develop as you get older. About 8 in every 10 people with visual impairment are over 65. However, losing your vision is not an inevitable part of ageing. It is often the result of a condition that can either be treated or sometimes even prevented. Examples of these conditions are cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. 3.2 Define congenital sensory loss and acquired sensory loss. Congenital sensory loss is when the individual has sensory loss from birth whereas acquired sensory loss is when the sensory loss has developed as a result of aging, serious injury or illness. 3.3 Identify the demographic factors that influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population. There are many factors that’s influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population, as people age it is a common  that losing some sight, hearing or both is a normal part of grow old. With rising numbers of people over 60 years old and with the growing life expectancy the amount of people who experience both sight and hearing loss is also escalating. Another factor in the population is the level of noise out in the community. Continuous exposers to loud noises can damage your hearing. Exposer to certain viral infections and some other illnesses can also be a factor to sensory loss in the population especially if the infections are passed on from person to person i.e. rubella. Outcome4. Know how to recognise when an individual may be experiencing sight and / or hearing loss and actions that may be taken. 4.1 Identify the indicators and signs of sight loss, hearing loss and deafblindness. Eyesight tends to disappear more gradual than sudden. In fact the warning signs in adults can be subtle and may not be noticed until it becomes a nuisance. As support workers we should be looking for signs such as squinting, bumping into objects, moves hesitantly and stays close to walls. We should also be listening to complaints of headaches, migraines and eyes hurting. Again hearing loss can be subtle, some indicators and signs of hearing loss include, needed frequent repetition, have difficulty following conversation, thinking people sound muffled and have the TV or radio turned up to high volume. People who suffer hearing loss may also rise their own voice during conversation as they may not be able to hear themselves speaking. When an individual suffers from deafblindness you may notice a combination of the signs and indication of someone who suffers hearing or sight loss. 4.2 Explain actions that should be taken if there are concerns about onset of sensory loss or change in sensory status. If you notice changes in the ability of someone you support, it is important to speak to them about what you have noticed. For example, if you think that someone’s sight is deteriorating, you need to check with them that they have noticed too. If we have concerns we should explain to them what can be done to get it check and treatments or aids available to them. We should go through the options for investigating the cause of the loss and ensure that we have the person’s agreement to contacting the relevant health professional. The first contact would usually be the GP who would arrange further specialist test. If further treatment is need it is important that as support workers we reassure the individual and support them to appointments. The individual’s family should also be informed. 4.3 Identify sources of support for those who may be experiencing onset sensory loss. There are specialist organisation such as RNIB and RNID that provide information and specialist advice they could also provide information on local facilities. GPs and local hospitals would also be able to provide support also some primary care trusts also have sensory support teams who may be able to provide support or to offer advice on good practice. There are many awareness courses that employers can also provide to carers/support worker so they can better support the individuals with onset sensory loss.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Middle School Absences Essay

1. Is there is a common reason for the absences? Explain. Absences only occurred for band class at Truman and Jackson Middle Schools. Absences must have been due to something occurring in both Truman and Jackson band courses on May 20th and 21st. (and only May 22nd for Truman) All other attendance is normal in all other classes and Middle Schools and are not suspicious. —see evidence and analysis of evidence for more information– 2. Come up with two testable, clear hypotheses about what you think is behind the absences. Be sure to base your hypotheses on the evidence you have obtained (e.g. , Health Department Restaurant Inspections) and be thorough in your explanation of who, what, why, when, and how to support your hypotheses. Hypothesis #1) The increase in Band absences at Truman middle school are due to a high intensity band event(test or otherwise) starting May 20th and lasting until May 22nd at both Truman and Jackson Middle Schools. Hypothesis #2) Truman and Jackson Band classes encountered the same illness at a location prior to May 20th. 3. Come up with six testable questions that you could ask to help further your investigation and support or disprove your hypotheses. (listed farther down on the page) 4. Is the following statement a suitable hypothesis: â€Å"The Brentwood Indians basketball team lost the state championship because there is bad stuff in the stars happening with Mars in Aquarius†? Explain why or why not. I do not find the hypothesis â€Å"The Brentwood Indians Basketball team lost the state championship because there is bad stuff in the stars happening with Mars in Aquarius† to be a suitable hypothesis, because a hypothesis must be testable. The term â€Å"bad stuff† in this hypothesis does not give the person testing any idea as to what to look for near Mars. Also, the ability to test the happening of Mars and any other place outside Earth for that matter, belongs solely to NASA and makes it unable to be tested again. Also, there would have to be some kind of testable event or correlation between the basketball team and the happenings of Mars in Aquarius. For example, if Mars is here, the team will win the championship, but there are so many other factors to cause the team to win or lose that again the hypothesis could not be tested. EVIDENCE Problem: Truman Middle School May 20th-1/3 absent Band Class Band attendance increased from 5/20-5/22. It began May 20th as 33. 3 percent then decreased to 23. 3 and 13. 3 absent, respectively. After the weekend during of this week, absences were back to an almost average 6. 7 percent. A very similar flux in absent percentage also occurred at Jackson Middle School. Jackson Middle School experienced an absent percentage of 25% on May 20th in band class. No other classes had abnormal absences on this day. May 21st had an absent percentage of 15. 6%. Attendance was back to normal for Jackson Middle Bank on May 22nd. Although Truman experienced just slightly higher absences for May 20th in P. E. (7. 3%) and 7th Grade (8. 6%), the real increase only occurred in Band Class at only Truman and Jackson Middle Schools. There was no affect on absences for this time at Kennedy or Roosevelt Middle Schools. Art classes had no out of the ordinary absent rates for these days. The absences in band slowly decreasing from May 20th-22nd seem to support the evidence of sickness, but since there is no increase in absence in Art, I doubt it was illness. A rise as in absences as much as 33% would most likely (although there are exceptions to everything) would spread beyond one particular class, or even grade level. There is no other abnormal fall in attendance at any of the four middle school or specific classes other than the May 20th-May 22nd time frame and so speculation is resting solely on the events or evidence of these days’ attendances and classes. Testable Questions Was there a Band competition, exam, or any other event during this time period that would encourage students to miss school, not involving health factors, at Jackson and Truman Middle Schools? Were Jackson and Truman band classes in contact with another around the date of May 20th? Did student of Jackson and Truman band classes attend an event prior to May 20th where students of Roosevelt and Kennedy were not present? Were the band teachers of Jackson and Truman Middle Schools present on the days of the increased absences? Is band class before or after lunch? Do the schools serve the same lunch menu? Is band class the last class of the day at Truman and Jackson? Analysis and Explanation of Evidence There may have been a test, competition, intense practice, or other event during May20th-May 22nd. The other option would be an isolated illness only in Truman and Jackson bands. Whatever happened for Band Class at Jackson Middle lasted one day less than what occurred for band class at Truman Middle. So the possible test or practice may have been finished more quickly at Jackson Middle. If Jackson and Truman band classes had come in contact with each other near May 20th, they could have gotten the same illness from one another, causing a decrease in attendance only at these two schools and only in band class, but this is highly unlikely since these students would have to associate with someone outside the band at some point to attend normal courses. If the band teachers were absent themselves on these days of high student absences, possible due to a band teacher conference or meeting for only Truman and Jackson Middle, then students would be more likely to willingly miss school than if the teachers were present. If band class occurs after lunch at both school locations, Truman and Jackson, then this could lead to the possibility of food poisoning causing students to miss only band class on may 20th and leaving a smaller percentage of band students still absent or unable to play instruments (due to using the mouth, etc) until May 21st or May 22nd. If band class is the last class of the day, this would explain students missing only band class on the above mentioned days in May. This is also a much more tempting time of the day for students to leave school early. There may have also been outside events for these particular groups of students found only in Truman and Jackson band classes occurring on these particular days and encouraging students to miss school and attend with band friends.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Master of International Business Essay

What is inventory turnover? How can a high inventory turnover ratio be detrimental to a firm? Inventory turnover refers to the number of times that inventory is sold in a one year period. It can be calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold for a particular period by the average inventory for that period. High inventory turnover may signal a low level of inventories, which can increase the chance of product stockouts. 2. Distinguish among cycle, safety, pipeline, and speculative stock. Cycle (base) stock refers to inventory that is needed to satisfy normal demand during the course of an order cycle. Safety (buffer) stock refers to inventory that is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time. Pipeline (in-transit) stock is inventory that is en route between various nodes in a logistics system, while speculative stock is inventory that is held for several reasons to include seasonal demand, projected price increases, and potential product shortages. 3. Define what is meant by inventory carrying costs. What are some of its main components? Inventory carrying costs refer to the costs associated with holding inventory. Inventory carrying costs consist of a number of different components, and their importance can vary from product to product. These components include obsolescence costs, shrinkage costs, storage costs, taxes, and interest costs. 4. Discuss the concept of stockout costs. How can a stockout cost be calculated? Stockouts refer to situations where customers demand items that are not immediately available and stockout costs refer to the costs associated with not having items available. Calculation of a stockout cost first requires a company to classify potential customer responses to a stockout (e. g. , delays the purchase, lost sale, lost customer). Next, the company needs to assign probabilities to the various responses as well as to assign monetary losses to the various responses. The respective probabilities and losses are multiplied together and then all costs are summed to yield an average cost of stockout. 5. Distinguish between a fixed order quantity and fixed order interval system. Which one generally requires more safety stock? Why? In a fixed order quantity system, the order size stays constant (although the time interval between orders may vary); in a fixed order interval system, the time interval is constant (although the order size may vary). The infrequency of inventory monitoring makes a fixed order interval system more susceptible to stockouts and thus there is likely to be higher levels of safety stock in a fixed order interval system. 6. Explain the logic of the EOQ model. The logic of the EOQ model is as follows: determining an order quantity requires a company to balance two costs; the costs of carrying the inventory and the costs of ordering it. Inventory carrying costs are in direct proportion to order size; that is, the larger the order, the greater the inventory carrying costs. Ordering costs, by contrast, tend to decline with order size but not in a linear fashion. The EOQ attempts to find the point (quantity) at which ordering costs equals carrying costs. 7. How can inventory flow diagrams be useful to a logistics manager? They present a visual depiction of additions to, and subtractions from, inventory. This could be helpful in identifying any patterns that might be occurring. In addition, inventory flow examples illustrate how safety stock can offset an increased rate of demand as well as longer than normal replenishment cycles. 8. Discuss what is meant by ABC analysis of inventory. What are several measures that can be used to determine ABC status? ABC analysis is an approach that recognizes all inventories are not of equal value to a firm and, as a result, all inventory should not be managed in the same way. Measures that can be used to determine ABC status include sales volume in dollars, sales volume in units, the fastest selling items, item profitability, or item importance. . What are implications of the JIT approach for supply chain management? The consequences of JIT actually go far beyond inventory management and JIT has important implications for supply chain efficiency. One implication is that suppliers must deliver high quality materials to the production line, in part because of JIT’s emphasis on low (no) safety stock. Moreover, because customers in a JIT system tend to place smaller, more frequent orders, it is imperative that suppliers’ order systems are capable of handling an increased number of orders in an error-free fashion. Smaller, more frequent orders, coupled with close supplier location, tend to favor truck as a mode of transportation and this means that production and distribution facilities should be designed to support truck shipments. 10. How does vendor-managed inventory differ from traditional inventory management? In â€Å"traditional† inventory management, the size and timing of replenishment orders are the responsibility of the party using the inventory. Under vendor-managed inventory, by contrast, the size and timing of replenishment orders are the responsibility of the manufacturer. This represents a huge philosophical shift for some organizations in the sense that they are allowing another party to have control over their inventories and this requires a great deal of trust among the various parties. 11. Do substitute items or complementary items present the greater managerial challenge? Support your answer. Either answer would be acceptable. Students should recognize that both substitute items and complementary items present managerial challenges, but the nature of these challenges is different. For instance, one challenge with substitute items might be the amount of product to hold; a challenge with complementary items might be product placement in a retail outlet. 12. Define what it meant by dead inventory. What are several ways to manage it? Dead inventory refers to product for which there is no demand—at least under current marketing practices. Because dead inventory has often been associated with overproduction of items that customers do not want (or need), one suggestion would be make to order as opposed to make to stock. Having said this, an increasing source of dead stock in recent years involves special, highly customized orders that never end up with the customer. Suggestions for dealing with this situation include partial (or full) prepayment as well as a no-return policy. Another suggestion is for companies to more aggressively market their dead stock, and companies might also sell dead inventory via auctions. Another possibility is to donate the dead inventory to charitable causes. A last resort is to simply throw away the dead inventory in order to free up storage space. 13. Explain how an SKU might have different meanings, depending on one’s position in the supply chain. A retailer, for example, might keep records in terms of individual items or case lots, while the warehouse that supplies the retailer may deal only with case lots or pallets loads of a product. In turn, the distributor that sells to warehouses may deal with only pallet loads or vehicle loads, and may only accept orders only for pallet loads or vehicle loads—and not case lots or individual items. 14. Why is it important for a manager to understand informal considerations with respect to inventory management? One reason is that the increasing quest for customer service and customer satisfaction is leading many companies to engage in informal considerations. Even though â€Å"formal† inventory analysis should not be ignored, they should not be applied without taking into account informal arrangements. The informal arrangements may not fit any â€Å"formal† inventory tenets, but many informal considerations tend to do an excellent job of satisfying customers. And, without customers, businesses are not going to be very successful. 15. Discuss some of the challenges that are associated with managing repair and replacement parts. One challenge is the difficulty in forecasting the demand for these products—when will products break down or fail? As such, it becomes challenging with respect to which parts to carry as well as the appropriate stocking levels for them. Another challenge involves the number of warehousing facilities to be used: Should the parts be more decentralized or more centralized? These and other challenges have caused some companies to outsource their repair/replacement parts business. 16. Which presents the greater reverse logistics challenge: (1) Returned items or (2) Refurbished and recycled products? Support your answer. As was the case with question 11, either answer is acceptable. Again, it is important to recognize that both present reverse logistics challenges—but the nature of the challenges is different. For example, there is unpredictability with respect to returned items, in terms of return rates and product content. Refurbishing and recycling, by contrast, are predicated on sufficient product volumes, which require adequate storage space. 17. What are substitute items and how might they affect safety stock policies? Substitute items refer to products that customers view as being able to fill the same need or want. With respect to safety stock policies, if a consumer has little hesitation in substituting another item for one that is out of stock, there would appear to be minimal penalties for a stockout. It is also important that companies understand substitution patterns in the sense that Product A may be a substitute for Product B, but the reverse may not be true. In such a situation, safety stock policies would need to reflect the appropriate relationships. 18. Which supply chain participant(s) should be responsible for managing inventory levels? Why? The key to this question is the word â€Å"managing. Although various inventory approaches may require certain select participants to maintain the inventory, supply-chain effectiveness and efficiency would argue that all supply chain participants should be involved with managing inventory levels. Because the supply chain is a system, one company’s inventory policies and practices can impact the other members of the supply chain. Failure to consider these other participants when setting inventory policies and practices could lead to dysfunctional consequences. 19. Should inventories be considered investments? Why? The text suggests that inventories should be considered investments. Carrying costs for inventories can be significant; the return on investment to a firm for its funds tied up in inventory should be as high as the return it can obtain from other, equally risky uses of the same funds. 20. Since the mid-1990s, many beer and soft-drink cans and bottles have contained a freshness date stamped on them to indicate the latest date that the product should be consumed. What problems might such a system cause for the people responsible for managing such inventories? Discuss. There are a variety of possible answers to this question. One consideration is that product needs to be in places where it can be bought prior to the expiration date. At a minimum, this means that companies need to be able to identify individual products, locate the products, and move the products to the appropriate place(s). The oldest inventory should be â€Å"turned† before other inventory. Another consideration involves what to do with expired product, a situation that brings into play reverse logistics considerations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Observation Instrument Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Observation Instrument Paper - Essay Example This renewed interest has been stimulated by the education accountability movement, the teacher minimum competency movement, and the continuing emphasis on excellence in education Contemporary teacher classroom performance†. (Carolyn Lavely,   Neal Berger,   Joseph Blackman,   John Follman,   Jan McCarthyObservation instruments Education,   Summer, 1994    - retrieved on 4/11/2008 ret The class room teacher observation instruments will help a teacher for a diagnosis about his level of teaching. How far a teacher is effective for the students in the classroom? What are the defects of the methodology implemented by the teacher? How can a teacher correct himself? Which errors should be corrected and which should be ignored? Who should be correcting the errors? Is it appropriate to correct the mistakes in the classroom itself? These questions can be answered in order to improve the level of teaching with the help of observation instruments. The most commonly used classroom teacher observation instruments are â€Å"Classroom Observation Form Open Ended – (Form A), Classroom Observation Report, Classroom Observation The observer will check the development of learning materials, Use and selection of instructional materials, the learning climate, variety of materials used, preparation of the class session, method of instruction and student participation, student responses and feedback, learning difficulties etc. using the Classroom Observation Form Open Ended – (Form A). The observer can study whether the objectives for the specified class given or not. He can also analyse the outcome of the instruction. He can also analyse the appropriateness, quantity and quality of the instructional materials used. The class climate also can be analysed using this instrument. The overall activeness, the student attitude towards the topic and the teacher, their participation and the teacher’s